Selling Features in the Kitchen

Design trends change almost as often as the seasons. As great as these products are, they’ll be out of style by this time next year. When it comes to more permanent fixtures, it’s always safest to stay within the boundaries of classic style. This is especially vital when it comes to resale.
According to a recent analysis done by our friends over at Zillow Digs, there are certain features that could potentially increase the likelihood of a home sale. Specifically in the kitchen, here are a few products that will sell faster and for more money when it comes time to put a home on the market:
1. Shaker cabinets – A classic recessed panel offers clean lines giving any kitchen a sophisticated look with minimal effort. Carry this door style over into the office or laundry room for consistency throughout.
2. Farmhouse sink – This long lasting trend is always an eye-catcher, giving functional fun to the space. Available in a wide variety of materials from stainless steel to fireclay.
3. Subway tile – Used in the kitchen and/or bathroom, this tile always delivers. Now with so many color choices as well as textures, customize the space while keeping it classy.
4. Quartz – Move over granite, there’s a new stone taking over. Crushed stone bound together with adhesive creates this smooth, nonporous surface for minimal maintenance. Colors and variations are endless.
Flipping, moving or upgrading, keep these four products in mind when designing the home to sell, and don’t forget to mention in the listing!